GameCrib: TSM Snapdragon - Episode 6 Shake Up

Follow TSM Snapdragon as they go to week 6 of LCS, PAX East Boston and make some changes around the house.

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GameSpot teams up again with A-List League of Legends team TSM Snapdragon to plug you directly into the lives of pro gamers. Watch as the team pulls together to withstand the intensity of some of the biggest tournaments in pro gaming along with the strain

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If this decision is made after a month, it would make so much more sense, but in 3 days? It just has to be personal.

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@kembleqiao A month? Is this site littered with children? Seems most of you have zero concept of what a business is, or how a business conducts itself. They are professionals, as such, they are all held to a higher standard. What Chaox did, was completely opposite of how a professional should conduct himself with working. Yes, I said working. Playing League of Legends on TSM was his JOB everyone. Any other business, his actions would have almost certainly been met with termination after the 1st or 2nd account. He managed to screw around 3 times, before he was benched. It also wasn't 3 days. It was more than a week. It was discussed. A decision was made. The end.

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Avatar image for UblaztheMad


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@Prophylactixx So would you have acted just like Regi did when he let Chaox go? If you would then you sir should just stay out of the business section. Regi didn't even have the courage or respect for him as a human to look him in the eye when he let him go. That proves to me that Regi did it for personal reasons alone and wanted to reassure himself by asking the other team members what they thought. He was looking for an out for his actions. If you are making business decisions at least have the proper etiquette as a manager/business owner to fire your employees.

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@UblaztheMad @Prophylactixx Clearly you have poor reading comprehension skills. Implying that I would "act like" Regi is completely irrelevant to what I stated. I did not attest to the manner in which Regi removed Chaox from the team. Rather, I simply implied that Chaox brought this upon himself.

Even if this removal involved personal feelings, at the end of the day, Regi owns the brand TSM. Chaox was fully aware of that fact and could have easily avoided everything by showing up to practice on time and putting forth a little more effort. Or at the least, apologizing to his TEAMMATES (not just Regi) for his actions.

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is it just me or is that dude with the yellow sunglasses have a crooked face?

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What minute are Dyrus crying? :'(

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Edited By Zenemis

Alot of you are forgetting what these guys really are.

Yes, they're talented professional players, but they're still really young; as far as I know, it's not like Reginald has had any sort of formal leadership training, or particularly much life experience.

Comparing Reginald to experienced managers you might find in your workplace is rather unfair.

If it were up to me, the Team Manager certainly would not be an active, frontline player, however.

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Avatar image for TSMFangirl


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Chaox. :( CHAOX nooooo. :(

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TERA is going for free, neverwiner in coming, and Age of Wushu in April as well. No room for new games!

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Is this a pvp MMO? I was interested in it at first sight,but if is as pvp oriented as you say, then I had to say Age of Wushu does better much than this game.

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@wangkal It's amazing.

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You guys say that Chaox changed and that he was all hunky dory after his bench, but what I saw was when he was talking to Xpecial that he was calling him a brat and calling him out on stuff ( It seemed really tense and not a good goodbye). This is the only reason I'm glad he got the boot, otherwise I would have kept him on the bench if I was team lead.

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@rayzter1 Remember Chaox hasn't seen these guys for a few days and now he's seeing them for maybe the last time. How often do you think TSM visits the rain man? He's trying to connect with his lane partner somehow, maybe kidding around a bit, acting like they were still good freinds. However Xpecial seemed to not engage with him, keeping his shoulders and knees turned away from chaox as he's trying to tell how he feels in his last goodbye. I think Xpecial will regret being so distant and closed off in his last moments with Chaox, instead of returning Choax's ribbing and giving him a reply. Not because it made him seem cold, but because he never expressed how he felt and communicated with his long time friend in the end.

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Edited By TwistieTie

I don't know why people think Xpecial and Oddone didn't care as much as Dyrus, just because Dyrus cried. Everyone processes and reacts to situations differently. I watch Oddone a lot more than Xpecial so I can only speak to what I've seen on his stream, but I would find it out of character if Oddone cried. Oddone is always positive and joking around, so seeing him this somber and quiet shows me that he is just dealing with this situation internally instead of externally crying. It would appear that Xpecial is also dealing with things internally.

The situation does seem a little shady, since it was mentioned that Oddone and Dyrus slacked at the end of S2 during the Championship and that Xpecial was late for the first LCS. However, Chaox was late multiple times to practices and LCS. It also wasn't until S3 which TSM started taking things seriously and talked about benching a player because of their attitude.

It sucks, but every member of TSM knew of the possibility of getting benched if you weren't going to take S3 serious -- they learned from S2. So, if your team talks to you everyday of LCS about you being tardy to which you then you wander off with a girl instead of practicing with your team, you should expect to get benched. Chaox even said that the benching was to be expected. It would have been nice if Chaox could have stayed in the house, but no one has to deal with any awkwardness or fights because of this now. Chaox is a free man, so best of luck to him and whatever he decides to do.

BTW, I made a comment on the last episode about the sound volume, and it is much better in this episode. Thanks.

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Avatar image for iLoveLampXx


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I think Regi's decision was complete and utter bullshit. Seeing how well Turtle performed in the matches must of swayed his opinion against Chaox a bit, because no way you can just bench a player like Chaox just to replace him anyways, he obviously knew what he did wrong and had ample time to think about his mistakes and how he can fix them. Chaox has been on the team for so long and he doesn't even get a second chance? So BS dude.

When Dyrus started crying I immediately began to cry too, like, a lot. Words can't express the massive amounts of feels i felt, my eyes were like fountains or some shit.

I hope to see Chaox back in the not too distant future, I don't see a reason why they can't bring Chaox back but still Wild Turtle live in the house as a sub (Curse did it with Rhux). But that's not my decision to make, I just hope this actually does bring the team in a positive direction.
@Wild Turtle Give them hell, if you don't, I will demand Chaox's return! Mark my words.

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So SimCity 2013 shipped how many millions of copies, and only 8 million hours were played in the first week? Well, I don't have the official numbers, but it's something like the average person was able to play for less than 2 hours in a week. So a 92% improvement would imply that the servers are still horribly overcrowded.

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Edited By Toysoldier34

@twocs You on the wrong page?

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@Toysoldier34 @twocs Wow I typed that message last week on a different page. Why does it show up here?

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So ... Xpecial comes late and nothing happens. OddOne and Dyrus massively underperform at Season 2 World Championships, throwing TSM out of the tournament, and nothing happens. But Chaox fucks up for one week of the LCS, and still performed, but he got replaced in an instant.

It was right to bench Chaox, Reginald did the right thing at that moment. However, Chaox wasn't given a second chance, or any chance whatsoever to prove he changed ater being benched. The fact that Reginald was so quick to get rid of Chaox leads me to believe that he did so for personal reasons, rather than attitude issues. We all know that Regi and Chaox didn't see eye to eye, but forcing a vote to kick him out after such a small conflict was unfair.

It was shocking to see no emotion whatsoever from Xpecial and somewhat OddOne. After living with someone for so long, and playing alongside them, I would expect a little more respect. Dont get me wrong, I dont mean they shouldve been bawling their eyes out but a handshake and thats it? Huge respect built for Dyrus for truly caring about the decision and treating Chaox more like a friend then a liability. In that situation, Dyrus was saying goodbye to a friend, while Reginald and Xpecial seemed to be saying goodbye to someone they didnt care to see leave.

I hope WildTurtle doesnt recive any unnecessary hate for being the replacement. He was just doing his job. Oubviously I'm still a fan of the team and definately rooting for them in the NA LCS.

Thank you Chaox for being such an amazing and influencial player throughout your ESports career. Really looking forward to seeing you bounce back better than ever. Best of luck.

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Edited By krozzan

@AvroArrows Dan has stated that Chaox was going to get another chance and wasn't even going to get benched in the first place and that reportedly Chaox blew his chances, he did say the cameras from gamescrib were off on that day, that may be why it doesn't appear on this episode.

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Edited By TakataBride


well, so far all we know is that Xpecial was only late once for the 1st day of season 3. But throughout season 3, it was mentioned that Chaox has been constantly showing up late for scrim practices and also for MLG Dallas. In my opinion, yes i do think the decision made by Reginald was rushed, but at the same time he just doing what he thinks is best for his company and i think Chaox did brought it on to himself. When he showed up late for practice and Reginald told him if you constantly show up late for work, you get fired, and Chaox responded with "Okay, fire me now." I was surprised that Reginald did not fired him on the spot. If anyone said that to their boss when they show up to work late, i'm pretty sure the boss will just fire you right away. Chaox's attitude has obviously changed, it seems like he's not taking it serious as he should be. And i guess Reginald's decision was so quick is probably cuz he knows Chaox is the problem for TSM but Reginald doesn't have another ADC to replace Chaox, but after last week's LCS, WildTurtle performed well and i guess Reginald thinks he's suitable to replace Chaox. So he asked his team to see what they think and they agreed with him, so he quickly replace WildTurtle with Chaox to solve TSM's problem.

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@TakataBride That was during an argument and during an argument you don't suddenly go submissive if you ain't that type of guy. I think that when Regi had brought it up when things weere a bit cooler, he would've gone soemthing like:"Yeah man, I will try to improve"

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@miku206 @TakataBride But Reginald and Chaox had been clashing alot because of their personalities and they both want to make calls for the team. In order to make TSM better, one of them had to be removed from the team. It makes sense that Chaox is being removed rather then Reginald since Regi is the owner of TSM and Chaox's attitude gave reasons to Reginald to remove him. For Chaox's perspective, yes it does suck, he was benched for a week and next thing he got kicked, but he did brought it to himself, he was benched for his attitude not his performance. On Reginald's side, he's just doing what's best for TSM, he knows him and Chaox are causing problem for the team, so once he found a replacement he replaced Chaox with WildTurtle. The earlier they put WildTurtle on the team as the starter ADC, the more time they have to practice and prepare for season 3 World Championship with him.

i feel bad for both Chaox and Reginald, for Chaox, yea it sucks, after dedicating 2 years of his life for TSM, he was kicked from the team.

As for Reginald, he's just doing what's best for his team/company, and now people are just bashing and hating on him. Replacing Chaox was also a decision made by the team, not just Reginald, but Reginald is the only one getting all the hate and while his teammates gets away with it even tho they were a part the plan.

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@AvroArrows regi said it was for him.

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@ToxicTurtle7 @AvroArrows if u check my comments before and even u could noticed

wasnt just regi that was upset whit chaox xpecial and oddbro wasnt too happy whit him either

he just said that was he decision to chaox dont feel bad about the whole team kicking him

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Edited By ToxicTurtle7

@Mathew755 @ToxicTurtle7 @AvroArrows I personally saw a video where regi said he was kicking him for him, idk.

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@AvroArrows u are rigth dude

agree whit u...

i do think regi wanted chaox out of the team before that happend and he was waitng something to happend so he could captalize but i dont think what got chaox out of the team was the mistake that he did

i belive that what got him out was when they where saying to chaox "dude u messed up, u got late so many times" instead of chaox accepting what happend a dealing whit it he basicaly just saying some retarded excuse.

and that was crucial on that decision

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As Andy said, this decision was what he thought was best for his company. Whether right or wrong, Andy has the right to take responsibility of his company and decide the path that his company takes. The real world is tough people, feelings and success usually conflict with personal businesses such as this, especially when something is going wrong. In the end the decision goes to the owner of the company.

Regarding their farewells, I believe saying goodbye is a matter of what you think is best. Having a quick and clean goodbye will help both parties move on faster. On the other hand, Dyrus's emotional reaction was heartwarming. Manly tears were shed at the loss of a brother, many people cried with him, including myself. There was nothing wrong with how any of them said goodbye, what's done is done, time will move forward regardless.

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did anyone notice when regi tried to convince dyrus to get rid of chaox he brought up that old argument when chaox said if you repalce me i'll leave, reginald has to know that people say things when there angry and don't mean it. right? o.O

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Edited By Mathew755

@itzcloberintime dude regi is a great leader, and chaox was bringing the team down okay.

did u noticed that reginald when he was talking whit chaox he mad look like was his decision and not the whole team so chaox doesnt feel so bad about it ?

thats hard to do and only great leaders can do ok now stop was a team decision and even if dyrus said chaox would be a 3 agaisnt 1 so it didnt even matter

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@Mathew755 @itzcloberintime I wouldn't call him a great leader more of a immature rat,

not telling your team-mates to join and talk to chaox is kind of playground leading you don't want to feel like your bullying him out. as the manager its his job to anyway no way does that qualify him for any quality's of a great leader.

there isn't even a captains role in league yet so all decision about play style comp where made by them altogether. only thing i can think of is shot calling but apparently hes calls lost them a few games in LCS meh.

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@itzcloberintime @Mathew755 u cleary doesnt like regi so thats why u are saying all this things

but i tellu something i am a manneger and even if u dont like the person is hard to say "u are out, or u dont fit our group" and regi did taht saying to chaox that he was making the decision almost by him self was so mature and i dont think u ever got in a alike situacion before

on the point that regi decisions cost some games, thats for sure but everyone makes mistakes waht make him good is that he accept his fault and get better

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Edited By ijustpoooed

i just feel bad for wildturtle now. He's going to get so much negative things said about him.

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you guys should bbe old enough to know everyone has different ways of dealing with lose, not everyone cry's.

xpecail kind of left him out to dry the guilt was eating at him he betrayed his soul partner :O

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Edited By xgunnas32

regi has fans? L0L

Good guy dyrus is best top NA, and i hope dyrus finds a new team for himself

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Wow I think the only one who actually cared for Chaox in that house was Dyrus I mean just look at his reaction thats some serious emotion right there

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@Darthkaiser I'm pretty sure TheOddOne was pretty sad too, even if he didn't show it that much.

But yeah, Dyrus reaction was really moving.

Sometimes Chaox behaved like a scumbag, but I rather have not seem him fired, I feel he deserved one more chance. And I will really miss him.

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@Darthkaiser dyrus was also upset about his girlfriend. I believe he mentioned that. :/

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@Darthkaiser I know OddOne has that emotional feeling too.

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Edited By ijustpoooed

I think that the decision was right. You have to look at it from Regi's perspective. He is running a team and can't have a toxic person that is late and does not mesh well with ALL the players. The media made it so much about Chaox. Yes its sad to see him go but it may be for the best. Who knows he could come back next season with a strong team and beat TSM.

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Avatar image for MalphasV2


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Wow that's crazy. Xpecial and TheOddOne been playin' with this guy for years, lived with him, went everywhere with him, and no emotion whatsoever. Dyrus is new in TSM, and he's actually sad to see Chaox go, that shows that Chaox is just better off without TSM man, and this gave me new respect for Dyrus which I didn't have. Basically 'cause he replaced The Rain Man, I've always had sort of a hate for him, even though it's not even his fault. But yeah I hope Chaox gonna find a new good team, and stomp on TSM. and I hope Dyrus leaves that team real soon.

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Avatar image for Bodacious_One


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This exemplifies Reginald's lack of experience as an owner. It's called a bench for a reason; you replace someone temporarily due to their actions then bring them back after a short period of time, to show that they must change or else they can be replaced. You don't "bench them for a week," (which was really only 3 days or so) and then kick them immediately without giving them a chance to change. I mean if I was Chaox and I saw WildTurtle do as well as he did, then I would certainly get my crap together and ultimately become a better player/teammate. It feels like Regi used this as an accuse to get him off of the team just because he felt like he had a "conflicting personality" with Chaox and vise versa, which Chaox completely disagreed with as expressed when speaking with Regi. The 3 day bench certainly opened his eyes as he states in the last minute or so of the video, and if the team simply mended these initially minor wounds then they would definitely become better performers and bros as a whole, and what team wouldn't want that..? It is a MULTILAYER Online Based Arena after all. Hurts to see my favorite team go down this path. Rationality was thrown right out the window as well as the fact that they were all bros united for the same cause. The bottom line: there must be a VERY valid reason for kicking someone who had been living with your for over 2 years that has been performing pretty well during that time period. It is NOT acceptable to kick someone due to the their actions during 2-3 days out of the 730+ that he has spent with this organization. If one of the top representatives of the North American LoL scene is going to compete on a global level with the top dogs in Korea, shit like this can't get in the way.

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God, I fucking hate Reginald. That is all there is to say.

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Edited By BambiJ

I just think Reginald made a bad decision , okay chaox behaviours were very bad, but with talking you can achieve pretty much. Also i think TSM won't be the same anymore.. And as you see the reaction of oddone and dyrus (hugging chaox) this will affect the team short run , even maybe long run because they lived and acted as family the last 2 years. I realy hope that Chaox will come back...

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They should have talked about it and not immediately throw him out of the team imo.. Okay the behaviour of chaox wasnt good , also i want to react on oddone's and chaox's reaction.. Oddone is normaly a very happy person , and you could see he felt bad about it , but the way dyrus acted , is way more normal than , chaox's and oddone's reaction. They lived and acted like a family like over 2 years? If i would see somebody leave then , i would cry a lot.. Just want to say TSM won't be the same in a long time. And this will also affect the players, all of them.

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i'm VERY confused about xpecials and oddones reactions towards this incident.

there was almost no emotion shown at all, only dyrus was behaving like an ordinary human.

they were together for how long, 2 years (?) and yet all xpecial and oddone had to say about this was " yeah sorry mang l0l ".

just wow, you two can learn A LOT from dyrus, who was showing some fucking respect towards the bond of friendship he and chaox share. get out once in a while and enjoy the actual live, wouldn't hurt you. god this makes me sick.

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Avatar image for JohnTheMighty


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Wild turtle is so over rated. I hope he under performs and Regi regrets the decision.

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I really hope wild turtle under performs and they regret their decision. He is so over rated.

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does anyone else feel that reginald acted harshly? wild turtle had 3 solid performances. chaox did stuff up, in the end he admitted to that, then to see the reactions of Dyrus, compared to XSpecial and The Oddone, looks like this could cause a divide between the team. Sure seemed like the best decision for the team but could be detrimental to the team in the long run,

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i think they just needed to sit and talk about the way chaox acted and say we deserve an apology but instead because regi didnt want him on the team as you can tell from the previous arguments they didnt have a good relationship i think regi used the fact wildturtle got a penta kill and did good in the games as a kind of wol over their eyes to sway the judgment in turtles way because honestly if i lived with the same guy and played with the same guy for 2 years and another person comes along with even a better track record i would stick with my friend and not the sub! in conclusion i have actually lost all respect for Regi and the funny fact is that Regi doesnt care and he wont read these so and no body will tell him because he will abuse his power once again as owner and kick them!, Regi you honestly are pathetic.

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Edited By zarkaKR

@reeceyboy55 use a fking comma once in a while, thank you!

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Edited By itzcloberintime

Would of thought he'll at least act sympathetic and sit down and talk for hours about what they been through it isn't a normal job its a sport where you live with your team day in day out for two years, livening with anyone that long your relationship would be huge, THAT IS A BROTHER, A FAMILY MEMBER, A BEST FRIEND if it wasn't like that for regi then i guess hes just Vince McMahon wannabe. and anyone who thinks there relationship could just be strictly professional they where friends before he joined TSM regi recruited only friends at start he even says he was in contact with all members for a long time. Choax handled it like a man gg.

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