Fun, Amazing, Awesome. It is very fun and addicting.If you like boxing then You may like this game a lot.

User Rating: 7 | Hajime no Ippo Revolution WII
The story of the game is about a boxer named Ippo who wants to be the best fighter in japan. The story isn't that bad. But it can be a little boring. But you can always skip it. 8/10

The gameplay in this game is ok. It can sometimes be unresponsive. But it is still a lot of fun. The controls in the beginning may seem hard but you will get used to it. But matches only last about 20 seconds it is too easy to give people K.OS! 8/10

The graphics are manga like, which isn't that bad. But when the boxer bleeds, It just shows red on their face, which doesn't look realistic. 7/10

The sound in the game isn' t really that good. Like when the announcers are talking they can sometimes get very annoying. The fighters also don't make much sound except when they get hit, which doesn't sound realistic either.

This game has a lot of replay value, which is funny watching friends try to beat each other up. 9/10

Overall I give this game a 8/10 for It's fun to watch how fast you can knock your friends out in the game.