One of my favorites.

User Rating: 8.2 | Vexx PS2
I've read the reviews on this site and a few people seemed to not like it because it was a game they couldn't beat so easily. Wow, that's what some games are like, guys, they can be hard.

Vexx was one of my first PS2 games, and it freaked me out the first time I played it. Having it on surround sound, and having something scream at me when I reached the last soul jar did me in for the night. Just having it freak me out at first made me want to play more.

All the levels were different. That's one thing that was great about this game. You went from a nice village, to a vast desert, to an underwater dome with a huge fish, Leviathan, following you around, a snowy mountain to a pitch black citadel. I found the levels a great highlight of the game, just going from huge climate changes made the game even better.

Sure, finding all the soul jars and the shards were a pain in the ass, but that's what it took to get to the next level. It's just like Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, to unlock different and better things and move on, you need to finish different missions. Just adding missions with riddles to this game made it a bit more of a challenge.

I find this game to be a good one, and people just "bagging" on it makes me feel like they probably never tried. Being a "newbie" gamer when I got this game, I found it fun, easy yet challenging and a great game to start with my PS2.

All I can say is that ... Dark Yabu is a pain in my ass.
Play and get far in the game before you judge it, guys, and dont trust everyone here on Gamespot. You might like the game, just because someone else hates it, doesnt mean you have to, too.