Vet Emergency 2 (Downloadable version)

User Rating: 5.2 | Vet Emergency 2 PC
The trymedia downloadable of Vet Emergency 2 is broken. Halfway through your game you will be asked for CD2, you will not be able to get past this point. Apparently, from information on the Legacy BB, this has been an unresolved issue since at least April of this year. If you want this game, buy the box.

The game is decent, if you like this sort of thing. My children enjoyed what we could play of it. The sound has a tendency to get suddenly loud, so you have to adjust volume a lot. There is no option to mute music. You can turn off the voiceovers, but then you don't have subtitles and it makes solving the cases harder.

I don't see much replayability, since the cases are fixed and not random. Perhaps play a second time without hints, but by then it is fairly easy to know what to do.