not as good as in it class.poor AI (spl alarm).sometime predictable/repetitive else good graphics,story, good music.

User Rating: 7.5 | Velvet Assassin PC
velvet assassin is not appeal able in its class of game.The game is built in world war II scenario.velvet have sneak in German camps docks, prison to perform it mission.the storyline of the game quite impressive.the Blurry environment of war is good background music is good.conversation between goons are quite realistic & informative.Morphine mood is good handy mood to take out guard in hard position or in detected condition.variety of collectible nt found,all are repetitive.Taking cover in thin shadow(except dark shadow) is quite noobish in the game.The most frustrating of the game is alarm system which only alert the goons of that room or a nearby one, where as a single gunfire from a guard should alert the the whole area spl when its on high alert.and also not variety in distraction merely repetitive.the gun play is very option for character control.In a nut shell is a not a bad time pass game.