This has good potential but it's suprisingly better than assassin's creed

User Rating: 6 | Velvet Assassin PC
Hmmm.... well were to start on this game, well hell, I actually dont' even know what to say on this game, it's good and bad.

This game is a lot like assassin's creed especially with the killing from behind theme. How this differs is that at least the environment changes slightly. Creed was just hours of the same stuff over and over again, this game was very repetitive as well, but you could kill enemies in several different ways. Most of them plain obvious if you just look around a second. Well game to short, story got old, by the time I got closer to the end, I just ended up skipping cut-scenes as they didn't really interest me. Hell when I finished the game I couldn't believe it was over.

I must say although mostly boring and repetitive, I actually enjoyed most of it, I wouldn't say this game is a work of art or anything, but it was worth the 7$ I paid for it.