One of the worst "stealth" games ever made.

User Rating: 3 | Velvet Assassin PC
I am reviewing this in order to save people from foolishly spending money on. This is a tragic game, that it capitalizes on people that probably enjoyed the Hitman series, or the first installments of Tom Clancy's Sam Fischer's adventures, or even something like Saboteur. This game... well this game is bad.

One of the worst things I've ever seen in a game is the mechanics of not being able to interact while having a weapon in your hand. You have to holster your knife/gun/w-e to simply open a door or grab a med kit etc.

Stealth kills are made by simple going behind an enemy and left clicking. The whole process seems non-participatory...

Morphine kills is the same story without the creeping behind the enemy. Simply run FACE ON towards an enemy, who can't see you/react...(?) and kill him. All with a simple left click.

Your life especially bfr you raise your strength lvl is non existent, you are dead with 2-3 gunshots, if not with simply one if you are unlucky. On the other hand at the Pro difficulty (coz the Novice one is simply ridiculous) enemies, simply won't die (4-5 bullets, 2-3 knife slices) unless you headshoot them...

The story is kinda good but gets boring bfr it gets good again, so you might want to be patient with this as well.

The worse thing of all probably with this game is the lack of choice, it's linear environment, go here do this then go there, doors blocking your way then magically unlocking once you pick up the element you needed and so on.

All in all it's rental material, or even better get the 2006 Hitman Blood Money and enjoy yourselves more... (recently re-finished it still finding new ways to pass each mission). You can probably grab (if you dont have it) the entire Hitman collection for the cost of this game ;)