It's an impressive game.

User Rating: 8 | Vegas: Make it Big PC
Basically, in Vega$: Make it Big or Vegas Tycoon, your job is to build a casino or/and resort in Las Vegas. First off, you choose the plot of land ranging in prices and sizes and the style of casino you want, then you start building. You choose the size of hotel and casino, add buildings to bring in more guests and upgrade as much as possible. With the buildings, you can choose how much the charge is to use that facility: e.g The large hotel can be set from $100 to $40 or $190 (I think, if I remember correctly). Inside the actual casino, you can choose what you want to have placed: Slots, lounges, tables... Even plants and fountains. You can even choose the staff that work there. Each staff has different skills and different pays. A staff member with a high skill cost more that one with lBasically, in Vega$: Make it Big or Vegas Tycoon, your job is to build a casino or/and resort in Las Vegas. First off, you choose the plot of land ranging in prices and sizes and the style of casino you want, then you start building. You choose the size of hotel and casino, add buildings to bring in more guests and upgrade as much as possible. With the buildings, you can choose how much the charge is to use that facility: e.g The large hotel can be set from $100 to $40 or $190 (I think, if I remember correctly). Inside the actual casino, you can choose what you want to have placed: Slots, lounges, tables... Even plants and fountains. You can even choose the staff that work there. Each staff has different skills and different pays. A staff member with a high skill cost more that one with low skill. With the slots and tables, you can choose the betting range and the house setting ranging from 'generous' to 'criminal!'. You can get feedback from every single guest in your lot. Not just an icon, but something that explains what they want or why they are unhappy. It is a very nice game, some annoying flaws (but they don't hinder gameplay), but still worth it.

Graphics: 8.5 - while not completely perfect (people will walk into garbage bins to get rid of rubbish), you can read what is written on the slots and even look at the designs on the pavement.

Sound: 9 - Compared to most other 'tycoon' games, the sound is quite nice, it suits the place and has decent background noise. The problem is on one or two of the casino styles, the sound can get very annoying after playing for and hour or two.
ow skill. With the slots and tables, you can choose the betting range and the house setting ranging from 'generous' to 'criminal!'. You can get feedback from every single guest in your lot. Not just an icon, but something that explains what they want or why they are unhappy. It is a very nice game, some annoying flaws (but they don't hinder gameplay), but still worth it.

Gameplay: 6.5 - The gameplay is quite nice and thought out, the only problems are that the buttons sometimes are slightly complicated and that mistakes when placing buildings are a nusiance, especially when you think you click somewhere, but it goes to the tile next to it. Also there are some flaws (read below).

Graphics: 8.5 - While not completely perfect (people will walk into garbage bins to get rid of rubbish), you can read what is written on the slots and even look at the designs on the pavement.

Sound: 9 - Compared to most other 'tycoon' games, the sound is quite nice, it suits the place and has decent background noise. The problem is on one or two of the casino styles, the sound can get very annoying after playing for and hour or two.

Value: 8.5 - Well, when I wrote this review, I bought the game for about $8 AUD brand new. I think it's quite impressive although it could still do with some tweaking.

Tilt: 8 - There are many 'tycoon' games out, but I don't know of any Vegas 'tycoon' games with as much value as this.

FLAWS: In my opinion, there are two major flaws in the game.
One is the difficulty: It is either too easy or too annoying. Basically, you can run the game without any disasters (providing everything is the way you want it) and you will most likely make a decent profit. Or you can run the game with disasters (different occur times) that will be just plain annoying. E.g: On the 'very often' (I think) setting, on max speed you will be recieving a problem with your casino every minute or two. As soon as you repair half your casino (resort and actual casino) a disaster or event strikes and your whole casino needs repairing again... Two minutes later and it'll need repairing again.
Two is the AI. God that's annoying. I'll give you an example. In the actual casino, your guests will drop rubbish even if they are surrounded by 20 bins, they will say they can't find one and drop it right next to - say bin 6 after walking right past bins 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (maybe even dodging them).
Another example is the cleaning from the dropped rubbish. Your cleaners will clean (eg 5 sec) pause (8 sec) clean in an area close (5 sec) pause (8 sec) walk off to another place on the other side of the casino, even if the place they were cleaning was impossibly messy and clean the other side.

OVERALL - Overall, this game is very good for the price I paid for it. I'm very happy. Though there are some annoying flaws in the game, it is still worth it, although not really worth more than $30 in this day.