Nothing new here. Tired of buggy games that are released way too soon with too much hype! Too little too late!!!

User Rating: 5 | Vanguard: Saga of Heroes PC
Where do I start?

Was there anything new that this MMORPG brought to the genre? -Nope.

Are the graphics nice? -Yes.

Is it addicting? -For a couple weeks, sure.

Is the new release that much better? -I don't think so.

Will I re-subscribe? -No, it's not fun enough.

What would make it better? -Where can I start? There is nothing that makes this game any different than the rest. Maybe if it had blood, more pkill, and was adult orientated I might come back.

For whatever reason, after years of Dark Age of Camelot, MUDS, WOW, and all the rest; all I feel is like I'm running on a hamster wheel. You got your tanks, healers, spellcasters, rah rah rah... But is the combat different? Do your characters get broken arms and legs? Can you sever limbs? Can you use something other than HP? Come on, this is 2008 and we should be far more advanced by now!

This game is good if this is your first MMORPG, nuff said...