Absolutely brilliant! Second best game on PSX!

User Rating: 9.8 | Vandal Hearts: Ushinawareta Kodai Bunmei PS
Although I havn't played it in about 7 years, what I remember is superb! And i've been looking for another copy for about the last 2 years. The game was short, but I didn't care. I would just keep playing it and playing it until the day I traded it in, which I did a lot those days, and I wasn't really into games back then either. So the fact I loved such an obscure game proves enough I think. It can be quite challenging as I recall. I was stuck on one level for about a week. But it isn't annoyingly hard, it's enjoyably hard. You even want it to be impossible just so you can keep playing without reaching the credits, where you suddenly think, well, I've done it, but now what!? The deaths are so great as well! They really do look poor, but in a spectacular way!

All I can say is, buy it at all costs! it's well worth it!