Breathtaking storyline and ravageous combat - what's more to ask?!

User Rating: 9.8 | Vandal Hearts: Ushinawareta Kodai Bunmei PS
Storyline is one of the best i've ever seen and experienced. You take place in medieval world, where evil magicians and warlords rule the earth and conspiracy followed your every step to the very end. Few evil people want to acquire tremendous power from an ancient artifact to create indestructible empire, that spreads death and chaos, and it's up to you to stop it by any means necessary. Coincidently, by your way to unknown goal, you meet up with lots of different people, ones that will help you, others that will betray you, but for some mysterious reason their paths will cross with yours and your band will create a new legend by their actions in trying to calm down the ogressions of human race.
Originally your band is a military police, that gets involved in the trecherous plans of evil by accident and for that someone wants all of them dead - here starts your story: unravelling and destroying plans of evil, there is no other way - die or survive. Further in the story your band gets occused in murder, but not for own sake but for sake of humankind the great task appears - who's behind all of this, why and what should we do about it?
Combat grounds in the game is a grid wich size depends of the location or tactical purposes; your members can attack horizontally or vertically by fixed amount of squares, depending on the weapon or spell. Spell affect area also varies in sizes. Long range weapon attacks and damage depends on the hight your hero is taking, thus higher he is located - further he can snipe his enemies with a bow and do double damage.
You cannot buy or learn magic spells, they're acquired by leveling up and upgrading your units to a specific class, don't forget to learn everything about the classes before saving the game with randomly chosen class - it is a crucial component in the game, and can be deadly even to the experienced player.
There's a lot of dramatic events involved in the game, better buy a tissue before starting this game. I DID!