Fun, but forgetable.

User Rating: 8.3 | Van Helsing PS2
The movie Van Helsing was an entertaining way to pass a couple of hours, with no lasting effects or artistic impressions. The game, which is an accurate interpretation of the film, also accomplishes these goals.
As far as movie games go, I actually found this one to be quite enjoyable. The presentation is fairly high-quality, with good graphics and solid voice acting and sound. The backgrounds are particularly well done, and do a good job of setting the scene.
The game is clearly influenced by Devil May Cry. The gameplay, controls, and weapon systems are almost identical to the DMC series. Therefore, if you like Devil May Cry, you will enjoy this game (for those unfamiliar with the series, it involves a great deal of shooting and a little jumping).
The game features selectable difficulties, so that all levels of players can find success with it. The weapon system utilizes many unlockable weapons, which players can keep in their arsenal during a replay session. The weapons you unlock during your first play through can be used to open doors during a replay that were originally inaccessible, giving players a little bit of a bonus.
There are also collectable items that can unlock certain challenges. The challenges range in difficulty, but would be satisfying to people who really enjoyed the game.
This is a quality game that just happens to steal all its ideas from DMC. However, it does it extremely well. The only real problem with the lack of originality is that it makes the title forgettable. I didn’t remember how much I enjoyed it last year until I saw it mentioned on the forums.
The game is short, and can be completed in 6-8 hours by most gamers. There is a little replay value, but the urge to play through the title multiple times will probably be driven more by the action than the promise of unlocking or discovering every item.
Definitely worth a rental to anyone. Not a bad purchase at a bargain bin price for action game fans.