Disappointing and unrewarding.

User Rating: 1 | Vampire Rain X360
There is a time for everything, and a place. The time is never and the place is in the nearest trash receptacle. I anxiously waited for this game to be released and paid the full retail price the day it was released; it turned out to be the biggest disappointment and waste of money that I've ever had in the gaming world.

I'm sure if you are reading this review that you will find it just a repeat of what other people have said about the game. Killing the vampires is like trying to kill Superman with a BB gun; they can leap tall buildings in a single bound and seem to be immune to all your weapons except for the UV knife and sniper rifle with UV rounds. These weapons are only found in select areas and don't carry over from level to level. I have a hard time understanding why you would be Special Ops sent out on missions with weapons that won't damage your enemies. Another thing that is hard to understand is how civilians can stand on the streets in plain view of vampires and go untouched, yet, the same vampire can spot you hiding high on a rooftop and instantly attack.

I found the game not only disappointing but also unrewarding. I played at least a quarter to a third of the game before giving up on it and never got a single xbox gamer point. As with any review, it is one person's opinion; myself, I found almost no redeeming points for the game, I'm sure other people may have the opposite opinion. Each to their own taste.