It's a Splinter Cell clone with vampires. It has to be good, right?

User Rating: 2 | Vampire Rain X360
Basically this is yet another failed attempt to copy Splinter Cell's successful features and add some new ideas. The game sounds cool in concept but it just isn't worth your time and money and I doubt anyone can enjoy this. To cut straight to the chase it's a bad game and if you have any taste in video games what so ever I'd suggest not even thinking about purchasing it. I'll talk about the good things first; the graphics are all right and the controls are decent enough I suppose. Other than that there is no fun to be had in the poor excuse for a game known as "Vampire Rain". The game is insanely difficult, no matter how good you are at the game you'll be killed instantly. Every vampire is nearly invincible; the only way to win each level is if you follow one single route through the game one misstep and you have to start over the mission from the very beginning. There are no check points throughout the entire game and to make matters worst every single weapon is useless. What is a pistol going to do against a Vampire? The script is horrible and it has the voice acting to match. The cut scenes appear all too often, the level designs are predictable and too dark to see what's going on, it's not challenging just annoying. If by now you haven't figured it out, this is a bad game. I don't care what price you find it at it's not worth it, I give it a 2 out of 10 and that's just out of the kindness of my heart.