Low Budget Fun

User Rating: 7.5 | Vampire Rain X360
I am unsure of where to start with this game as I know it has had a lot of negative reviews and feedback from a lot of people who have bought it... and also from a lot of people who haven't played it but just decided to comment.

The game starts with you as a member of a special forces team who are assigned to meet up with another squad and take out what is known as the parent waker who when you take him out will kill all the vampires he has created. sounds simple enough but there are a lot of snags in the mission and you and you're team are forced to go it alone with no backup or support from HQ. There are a lot of twists in the story with loyalty getting changed and a bigger conspiracy to unlock if you are willing to play the game through to the end.

The gameplay is you average Metal Gear/Splinter Cell clone. Nothing really special but unfortunately it doesnt seem to have been translated well into this game as it has in the above mentioned ones. The controls seem a little clunky and uneven but are bearable and also the enemy AI is very slow compared with other stealth games. They do not seem to want to investigate anything strange they have seen and are walking along a set path which they only deviate from once they spot you. The other problem is with the combat mechanics of the game. The vampires are able to kill you in two hits which is fair enough but seem to take around two clips. This wouldn't necesarrily be a problem if you had the ability to dodge attacks etc. Although I have pointed this out as a flaw it is also a godd idea as it forces you to navigate the area as best as you can to find your way out.

The graphics are a mix of good and bad. The rain effects look amazing and the framerate runs relatively smooth but the environments seem so playing with not a lot of lighting effects. So really unsure of what to make of the graphics.

In all this game at its current bargain bucket price is a good buy. It is both challenging and the story is interesting. I bought this game for less than £15 and was quite impressed with some of the ideas that went into it. It's a shame it seems a little rushed and perhaps with a little more development could have been a largely better game. If you love the campy acting of resident evil of old then you will feel write at home here.