With broken stealth gameplay, useless weapons, and hardly any redeeming value you're way better off playing MGS 4.

User Rating: 4 | Vampire Rain X360
Vampire Rain's concept of combining stealth gameplay and vampires may sound good on paper but in reality Vampire Rain is nothing more than a lousy excuse of a game.

The level designs are clunky and linear, Vampires are near impossible to destroy, and the story is capable of putting you to sleep, along with the puzzling fact that your knife actually USES AMMO!!!

Vampire rain also uses elements that were ripped-off from Metal Gear Solid and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell. Such as the CALL sequence and The Night Vision.

Overall Vampire Rain is one of THE WORST GAMES!!! on The Xbox 360 capable of rivaling with other dull and broken games such as Bullet Witch and Hour of Victory.

Now the game is out on the Playstation 3 as Vampire Rain: Altered Species DON'T BUY THAT GAME OR THIS ONE!!! Play Metal Gear Solid 4 instead your better of with that.