Vampire Rain: Altered Species! Great Stealth Game for PS3!

User Rating: 9 | Vampire Rain: Altered Species PS3
I was a little reluctant to purchase this game. Little was known and there were hardly any reviews for it online. However, if you like me, who enjoys using your brain and experimenting with "new stealth games," you will appreciate Vampire Rain for PS3.

Some games make stealth -- almost impossible -- this seems just right to me on the normal level.

The Graphics are compatible with the game and it is not just a hack and slash type of game but you really need to use your mind at times.

It has a varied set of levels with many viable options with helping your team, to fighting one on one, etc.

The "Nightwalkers" aka: Vampires. Can be a little repitive at times in their movements.

However, the combination of Stealth and Scary Behaviour will intice.

The Music at times has the feel of "Mission Impossible."

There is use of the Sniper Rifle which I enljoy being a Big Fan of another underappreciated game: Sniper Elite for PS2.

While Sniper Elite is Great for both Single, Co-Op, and Online.

Vampire Rain is great for Single, terrible for Online.

Check it out!

Vampire Rain is a great new game!


E. Honda