here's a game that could have been a great hit but sadly it misses the spot...

User Rating: 1.5 | Vampire Rain X360
here's the proof that not all genera mix well together i mean this game add a good concept but it has just so much bad points...but just to make this review i'm going to try finding some good points...

-The good:

enemies originality: well the game earns points for the enemies I guess, after all how many survival horrors do you know of that has vampire as your main enemy? other always have either zombies,aliens or mutants so it gives this game a little (make that very little) original feeling

then I would say storyline but as in def jam icon,since the game is so boring I stopped playing after the 5th mission and I really doubt I'm ever gonna play this game again...

and then I guess… that's pretty much it for the good points of this game...

-The bad:

genera mix: sometimes mixing genera can be a pretty good idea like mixing adventure with some rpg elements,alas...this is not one of those times... mixing survival horror with stealth element just makes the game feel so much slow, you have to look at every corner,locate every enemies and make yourself a path without being noticed(ok it wasn't that bad in metal gear solid but metal gear solid had just so much more to offer)

enemies: in a survival horror video game when you spot your opponent via the necro vision you would expect yourself to be able to take them down and make yourself a way threw right? well not in this game because if you actually try to shoot down one of your opponents he or she will turn into his/her vampire form and in vampire form enemies get ten times faster (that is when they spot if they don't they are gonna walk like zombies in other video games (which means about 0.1 meter per hour)) they can jump jump supper tall buildings(which means if you think you can hide safely by shooting them from the top of a building you are pretty screwed...) and even they are almost invulnerable to gun shoots I mean the only two weapons that could take them down are either A- the sniper riffle (but this one requires you to be the far-est possible of your enemy because it takes at least two gun shoots of a sniper to take those atrocities down (yeah I said at least two so sometimes even more...) or B- the electric knife: this one allows you to kill them in one shoot but then again you have to sneak up on them without being noticed how the heck are we supposed to do that? How in the world that in a survival horror game can you not be able to shoot down your enemies? I get it that it also as stealth elements but does it have to take all the part of the game's focus? I personally think that they took the survival part a bit too much seriously...

mission originality: another problem consist that in every mission you go threw the same freaking city so already after the 3rd one your gonna get that déja vu felling but that's not the only thing, every mission consist of going to an objective without being spotted by vampires, and I mean every missions, one or two missions like that would be ok but all the missions...give me a break! what happened to the survival horror part of the game? It's basically like if they told themselves let's make a stealth game but instead of normal enemies let's put vampires… but that's not all as if this game wasn't bad enough as it is no it has to be even more crappy... why is it that you have to go threw every freaking missions alone?(or make that having to split up at the beginning of each missions and for some unexplained reasons your always the one that ends up alone (yeah I know video game plot) if the city is full of bloodthirsty vampires and that they are close to invulnerable why in the world do you have to take every single mission alone? it's like if the whole team were suicidal!

in conclusion here's a game that had a good concept but it fell on it's face in the beginning of the process creating one of the worse excuse for a video game of all time, it is to wonder why they took the trouble of porting this on the PS3 with the new title altered species…