what were they thinking

User Rating: 1 | Vampire Rain: Altered Species PS3
now i bought this game two months ago and i mean seriously you couldnt even get past the first level without the game bruitally diffculting this game is by far the worst game that iev ever played in my life,there some much that was wrong with this game that its not even funny,i mean the voice acting was the worst its like way worst than the voice acting to damnation that how bad thie games graphics looked,and the graphics sucked so badly i mean this made the ps2 graphic look like a **** wat do you get when you mix the demon souls difficulty,the sneaking act of metal gear soild, you would get the worst game you have ever played dont get please dont rent hell dont even look at it that bad,oh yeh let me tell how the diffcult is you dont go and say oh i can beat any game,yeh you have one hit from a vampire your died you can hardly sneak behind them because theyll still look behind and kill you with one hit and then youll have to start the intire mission all over again till you get at least one checkpoint yeh this is way worst than demon souls,1 why would they make a game like this i mean seriously wat the hell were they thinking i mean did they hate humans that much to put like one hit from a damn vampire and kill you oh yeh,ih yeh youll only get one time to use the most useable gun throught this game one time and they kill them automaticly but,yeh and the guns are a shotgun and a sniper rifle yeh u only get to use this weapon like one or 3 times throught out this game please do not waste your money on game that is total **** and well leave you screaming and yelling throught out the intire game so yeh do yourself a favor and dont even rent this game because its that bad and if you have some kindev of craveing for a sucky game then your a world full of hell if you throught demon souls and damnation were bad then your going to be in some deep ****