Visually innovative turn based strategy game!

User Rating: 9.5 | Senjou no Valkyria PS3
I'm a classic console of the 90's gamer who appreciated the attempt made to make turn based gaming popular on PS3. The graphic display of a painted portrait on canvas was a unique touch to a style dominated by pixel bit graphics of old. The story universe of a Fantasy/World War I Europe setting was an original touch. I wish there were more classes for characters than the usual 5 and the incorporation of more vehicle play would have been nice. Extra and prolonged DLC or the opportunity to play as the opposing side for each campaign would have been exciting. The presentation and menu system itself is captivating as you feel you have chronicled through a story that is being told aloud to you as you play through. But I truly enjoyed and continue to hope a sequel will be available for the PS3 rather than the PSP.