If you like turn based Strategy youl love Valkyria

User Rating: 9 | Senjou no Valkyria PS3
When I originally got this wasnt expecting much. took a look at it and wasnt sure I liked the animation style and didnt seem very original. Just another strategy game. After a short while into I realized how special this game really was. The first time I played I realized that they had done something I did not think was possible. Took all the things i loved about 2d strategy games like fire emblem and incorporated it in a beautifully animated 3d environment. Its simple enough to get into quickly but takes awhile to master. The only weak point is the story for me. Good enough to stay with it but did not really matter as the reward for doing well in a mission and finally getting it is the real drive. The characters are voiced well and I spent just as much time re-arranging my squad members based on who they liked as I did trying to match them to the level. I actually did get attached and care about them, killing them off was never an option even if it meant starting a level over again. The animation is excellent and where the sound is usually fair to bad with these games it is one of the best surround experiences I have had.
This game has alot of substance as well. No level plays out the same way twice and I was always wondering what I could do differently. Should I take a Sniper? there slow but invaluable in some parts. Or go with another scout and try for speed over firepower. There are few games I have played where when I finish them Im actually excited to start again and play through twice. This is one of those games. Highly recommended and really glad I gave the so-so looking game a shot as its been one of my most played PS3 games to date.