Worth checking out

User Rating: 7 | Senjou no Valkyria PS3
Valkyria Chronicles is a turn based strategic RPG. The visuals are very good and the story is decent, but it could have been much better and more engaging. The gameplay itself is a bit slow, so if you're the impatient type this isn't for you. You move one unit at a time but when you move everyone can shoot at you, so you have to be brief and plan well. Sometimes it can take forever for the enemy to move all soldiers, while you just wait and look at your guys getting shot down, or the enemy charging into your best defenses like a blind cow and getting killed. There are plenty of characters to choose from and include in your army, but only about 4 actually have something to do with the story, everyone else just has a face and a name.

Everyone has a class assigned to them and some pros and cons. You level up the class in the training grounds between the missions and then all your characters that share a class gain a level, regardless of what they did in combat. The music is pretty good, and the voices are ... well... english sucked so I switched to japanese and then it was great. In between the battlefield you simply look at the story unfold and possibly upgrade your equipment and units. Its a pretty simple game and its not really hard once you know a few tricks. In fact you can save at any turn in the battle, and that makes it very easy. I'm really not into strategy games, cause I'm really bad at them, but this turned out to be relatively easy. The learning courve is good and you are introduced to new gameplay features at a steady pace.