SEGA Made an excellent entry to their collection of games, See Why!

User Rating: 10 | Senjou no Valkyria PS3
When I first played the demo I thought this was quite an interesting game so I decided to purchase it. It was well worth the money.
This Game has everything you want story wise as it gripped me from start to finish getting to know the characters and finding out the true potential behind the empire.

It plays out as a turn based strategy mixed with third-person real-time combat with some RPG elements. I found the controls to be quite simple to understand so i could get right to it.

Throughout the story I got to know the characters backgrounds more making me feel for the characters (I was even gripped by members of the empire). I also loved the minor characters you could recruit for the squad, some were just awesome in the way they were presented.

All together this is a game I would highly recommend to anyone who wants a great experience from a game.