Best jrpg out this gen on consoles so far.

User Rating: 10 | Senjou no Valkyria PS3
This is the best jrpg out this generation so far. Everything about this games is perfect. The level of detail in the graphics is great. It really looks like you are playing a watercolor painting, hell there are even details that look like paper shading on some of the graphics. This isn't cell shaded, this is a unique art style never done before. And I like it. The game flows through episodes mixing in lots of story and action. The characters have personality and aren't little cutsie kids like in too many jrpgs nowadays. I haven't liked a jrpg this much since the ps1 era.

If you like jrpgs, rpgs, strategy games, real/turn based, good story ect.. then you will most likely love this game. It's innovative, original and unique. Its about time some developers break the mold and make something original and fun.