Endearing, but with Minor Problems

User Rating: 7 | Valkyria Chronicles Remastered PS4

So I've logged a few hours into this game so far, and I'm suitably impressed. The storyline is pretty predictable, and the voice acting is okay. The character design is definitely a strong point, and the unique voice acting for each of your troops helps keep it from feeling stale as you battle. The music is also very good, and I highly recommend keeping the BGM on while you play. (I normally turn it off because of repetition, but the themes vary enough that you don't really have this problem in the game.)

You do have to watch out for the camera, and while I haven't clipped through any of the objects, I have gotten stuck on the hit boxes, which is irritating for a game that's already been remastered. The biggest criticism I have is the game's treatment of Alicia as compared to Welkin. Alicia should really be the main character. She's more responsible, is more combat oriented, and honestly, I just like her design and story better. It's definitely a personal grumble, but it's enough of an annoyance for me to knock it from an 8 down to a 7.

Overall, I would definitely give it a try, and I'll be looking forward to purchasing other games in the series after I finish this one.