PLease help bring this game back to life if you still own this game add de3zy5000 to your friendlist on xboxlive andplay

User Rating: 10 | Urban Chaos: Riot Response PS2
urban chaos riot response pits 2 teams against each other in a fast paced shooter enviorment with great levels that are easy to learn but very complex.The 2 sides consinst of t-zero or the burners i lost the burners because there is no feeling like burning some1 from 100+ft. out plus there close range weaponry,on the other side t-zero is great for defending because of there riot shields tazers,and long range weapons.(that never stopped my chainswa lol)Overall this game has a dont let go to waste gameplay do every1 a favor and put those old xbox's to use and pick up this game at least put me on your friendslist. this game has the most extreme multiplayer to date its all ready ded though so help me bring it back to life say high on xbox live de3zy5000
PLease help bring this game back to life if you still own this game add de3zy5000 to your friendlist on xboxlive andplay