If you liked Untold Legends 1 as well as similar games like Diablo, then you will like this too. It's worth buying.

User Rating: 8 | Untold Legends: The Warrior's Code PSP
If you liked Untold Legends 1 as well as similar games like Diablo, then you will like this too. It's worth buying. Basically, you pick your character and follow the quests. There is a map for the "dungeons" and a map that you can use to teleport from place to place. You can upgrade your equipment; main weapon, weapon 2, and armor. Upgrades appear on your character allowing you to view your new stuff. As you increase levels, you can upgrade attributes as well as skills. The skills can be assigned to the PSP buttons, of your choice, so that they may be utilized in combat. The graphics are pretty and the controls are good. If you like hack and slash then this is one to buy.