Untold Legends had a lot of potential, but unfortunately its ruined by bland, repetitive game play and horrible graphics

User Rating: 6.6 | Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom PS3
Good: Fun, dungeon crawling action; around 40 hours of replay value; upgradeable weapons and armor adds appeal; ONLINE!
Bad: The fun dungeon crawling action is killed shortly in game play due to repetitive nature; graphics are horrendous; frame rate is a little too low; not as deep as other dungeon crawlers.

Untold Legends could have been an excellent game. The company already had experimented with two other titles for the Psp, and yet they still could not get it right. Untold Legends resembles Baulders Gate, but a lot less deep. The game play is bland and shallow. As you play, you mash the X and Square, and that pretty much sums up the controls. You can level up and gain new skills and abilities. You cant change weapons, but you can collect armor. The inability to change weapons is quickly saved by the ability to attach orbs to the one you can use. Orb effects can vary from elemental damage to getting more health from each enemy you kill. You can customize armor, on each save point it gives you the option to save or use gold you've collected to make armor. Each armor is different for each class; the three classes are Warrior, Mage, and Scout. One of the only fun ones to use is the Mage class, so pick that one! Overall the game play can be summed up as limited and pretty repetitive, since in most missions you will be doing almost the same meticulous task.

The graphics are what really kills its potential. The developers already knew the games game play wasn't the best, they should have at least put good graphics, like in Genji. The graphics in Untold Legends is really bad, it doesn't completely ruin the game experience, but it is a bad example of what the Ps3 can do. The character models are decent, but the environment is pretty ugly. In fact, the worse part of the game is the ground. If your walking on a path, you'll notice how ugly it is, it looks literally disgusting. Thankfully there aren't many paths in the game. A good point is that you will travel to many different areas, forests, plains, mountains. Unfortunately all of these maps are extremely unoriginal and cliche in dungeon crawling games.

The sound is a huge let down. It would have been twice as good to play the game if it had decent music, like from Baulders Gate or Lord of The Rings. In fact, you would be surprised how much better the game feels while playing with good, fantasy music. Thats a huge downfall, especially since you cant listen to your own music while your playing the game. The sound effects are mediocre and overall a real big let down. Don't worry if you've played the Psp versions: the one thing they learned from their past mistakes was to make the music a little less repetitive.

Overall Untold Legends is an alright game, especially for a launch game, and since this is the developers first time programming for cell processor. The game isn't worth $60, but you can get it off Ebay for around $40. I recommend this game for anyone who is a fan of Dungeon Crawlers and cant wait for the big upcoming titles. Its got around 40 hours of game play, but that doesn't make it good, its repetitive for the rest of the hours. It does not get repetitive if you don't play non-stop. Take breaks every 20-60 minutes to add appeal. Also to add appeal, you may not want to start off at the easiest difficulty, that way it will be challenging, and not so drop dead easy.