Unbelievable Experience, brilliant game.

User Rating: 10 | Unreal Tournament (Best of Infogrames) PC
Wow, i was blown away by this. Really and truly, after a whole 11 years, this is still so awesome.

Graphics: 9/10
Great Graphics, stunning visuals, everything looks and feels amazing, and the environments are gorgeous.

Sound: 10/10
Excellent sound and quality, really couldn't expect anything better, just lovely.

Gameplay: 10/10
I was simply blown away by the awesomeness of this game, the gameplay is absolutely unbelievable.

As for addiction, this game is never ending, you can play non-stop if you don't restrain yourself, it's that addicting, when i got it, i was playing it whenever i had any spare time, and i couldn't stop.

Overall: 10/10(not an average)
This was the first time i could pick up a game and say "this is unbelievable" the experience was mind blowing, the game is simply stunning, let me put it that way.