Dissapointing, considering the first game was so amazing.

User Rating: 7 | Unreal Tournament 2003 PC
Unreal Tournament is, in my opinion, one of the greatest games ever made. When UT2003 came out, I was very excited. However, UT 03 dissapointed me with the exclusion of my favorite game mode, Assault, and my favorite weapon, The Ripper. Also, the experience just isn't as fun as the original was. One good thing is that the graphics are much better than the original, but still not great. There is fun to be had in Unreal Tournament 2003, and it is a pick-up-and-play game, so lots of people will get into it easily. Also, if you and you're buddies are bored one night you should pick up UT 03, considering now its probably 19.99 or less. Or you could pick up the original and have TONS more fun.