Unreal at its finest!

User Rating: 9.2 | Unreal Championship (Xbox World Collection) XBOX
I only found out about this game after playing the sequal to its PC counterpart, Unreal Tournament 2004. Even after playing an updated version, I absolutely love this game!

The single player isn't anything special, you basically create a team from available characters, and then play games like you would in a practice match against bots, so it's not really too special. The gameplayer though is fast paced, and amazing.

After playing Halo for awhile I had gotten used to the slow, semi-tactical gameplay that it offered, one I got warmed up to it however it was just ment to be.

One of the discrepancies between UC and most other games is the character selection. Every race has it's own, unique characteristics. Lizard people are fast, juggernauts are slow with alot of health. Robots can jump high, humans attain a balance of everything, and the egyption people jump high and the demonic race gains health from damaging enemies. There are eight characters in each race, and each will start with a different weapon so be careful to look at the information about the character before getting A button happy.

Online is great. Although it can be somewhat laggy, it is still great Unreal gameplay. Unfortunatly most xbox live gamers have moved on to Halo 2 so only the truely hardcore players are left playing UC, and I always lose to them so I end up playing bots most of the time.

The AI is smart, there are four difficulty settings and the amount of them is determined by the size of the map.

No vehicles to be seen in this game, but the fast action twitch gameplay keeps everything fresh. I definently think you should buy this game if you haven't already. Only $20!