UC2 offers a online/offline multiplayer that rivals Halo 2 and offers the most advanced technology on a console to date

User Rating: 9 | Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict XBOX
Unreal Championship 2 (UC2) is an unbelievable technological achievement for a console. It uses the Unreal Engine 2X built for the Xbox and pushes 3-4 times the polygons of the original Unreal Championship. The list of graphical effects this baby pushes is impressive and it is arguably the best looking and performing Xbox game to date. Check out this link to understand what this game is pushing in the graphic department: http://www.unrealtechnology.com/html/technology/ue2x.shtml

UC2 is loaded with a wealth of options. There is a Story Mode, Instant Action, and Network Combat: Story Mode (Single Player) contains Ascension Rites - where you command Anubis and follow his ascent through the Liandri Tournament. Tournament Mode - allows players to go thru Ascension Rites with the other 13 playable characters (minus the cutscenes). As you progress thru the Tournaments you will unlock additional characters, bots, maps, and mutators. Challenges - are 17 predetermined battles with the odds stacked against you. Your reward is unlocking the character Raiden from Mortal Kombat fame.

Instant Action allows players to battle multiplayer games that don't have Xbox Live by using bots in 6 gametypes (Deathmatch, Teamdeathmatch, CTF, Nali Slaugther, Overdose, and Survival). UC2 has a total of 14 playable characters and an additional 17 extra bots. In total 31 different bots can be played against to vary the competition. There are a total of 29 Mutators, which allow for all kinds of crazy action and variety. Even the Classic UC mutator is available to play in first person UT2004 style. Some 50 maps are available, which is a huge amount and will keep gamers happy for a long time. The Network Action is the same as Instant Action above but can be played using System Link or Xbox Live. With Xbox Live you can Create your own match and play against bots online until others join in or you can use Optimatch to find a certain kind of game or Quickmatch if you have little time.

UC2 gameplay adds a third person prespective to the Unreal universe and does this with incredible success. A major focus is on Fast Paced Melee combat, a first for the Unreal franchise. There are 13 different melee weapons over the various characters and bots and each one is unique. Each of your 14 playable characters have 6 adrenaline abilites to use for survival and there are 38 different abilities amoung the characters. Each character has a one of 8 race weapons, and you can choose one of 4 Energy and one of 4 Explosive Weapons.

UC2 is an excellent game that anyone that loves FPS, TPS, or Fighters in general should try due to its hybrid gameplay style. Fans of the Unreal Tournament PC games should also pick this game up and try out this new Melee fighting combat as its a blast and innovative to the series. The action is fast, chaotic, and alot of fun. To conclude, the story mode will only last an hour or two but with the option of going thru it with the other 13 characters adds alot of replay value. The Challenges are Uber hard with the odds stacked against you with little time to prevail and if you can beat these then you know your good. The multiplayer offline (Instant Action) should make any gamer with or without online capabilites happy with the options of 50 maps, 29 mutators, 31 bot choices, on 6 gametypes is just an unbelievably loaded games. The online component rivals that of Halo 2 and is faster action. Downloadable content is promised in the future. When are is said and done UC2 offers more for your money then most all games of this type and as JeffG said in his review "It's Helluva Fun" and you should buy it even if you don't have Xbox Live because of smart AI and the use of bots.