Easy to pick up, hard to put down again.

User Rating: 9 | Uno X360
Uno is one of those card games you either love or loathe. If you fall into the latter category then I'm surprised you've even got this far into the review.
If on the other hand you're in the former category then you're in for a treat. This is one of those games that can literally keep you occupied for hours on-line.

If you don't intend to play the game on-line then you may want to think a little harder over your purchase. I've played a few games against the console and although it is pretty smart there is a slight delay while it thinks about laying it's cards which gets frustrating after a while and also draws the games out. But if you've not played on-line against human opponents you may not notice this.

The graphics are clean and crisp, the on-line match system is pretty straight forward and intuitive to use. The only down side is the elevator music they bundle with the game. Just make sure you switch to your MP3 collection though and problem solved.

If you find Uno fun then you can't go wrong picking this one up.