Very well done.

User Rating: 9 | Universe at War: Earth Assault X360
If your a rts fan of ANY kind, and you own a 360, this game should be on your shelf. They did such a good job bringing this over to the console i find myself forgetting that im not playing it on a computer. The controls are done flawlessly, its preety easy to learn. Muliplayer is quick and fun. I have to say the three races in the game are VERY VERY different. They each offer their own unique twist on the game which is nice, seeing as though most rts games i play the races seem to be the same aside from the way they look. In this game, the entire game play, units, and what not are very distinct from each other.Lastly, the presentation of the game is awesome, the graphics are nice, not amazing, but nice, i did however experience sight fram rate problems here and there, but only briefly. I guess in conclusion, BUY THIS GAME, to be honest i bought it out of hope because i love rts games, and i was hoping this would be fun, it honestly has blown me away.