Universe at War is worth your time. If you passed this game up give it another look!

User Rating: 9 | Universe at War: Earth Assault PC
At first I thought this was a avergae rts. It has a okay story about aliens invading earth.(Evil) The story kept me entertained as another set of aliens showed up to stop them. (robots) Not to be outdone a 3rd set of aliens that have been hibernating under our seas come out of hiding.(Gods)lol

It has a conquer the world mode(mp) that has you trying to take control of earth. A feature I really enjoyed. The whole Mars Attacks feel of the game I Liked too. All said a average rts.

But the more I play it the more I see how well balanced this rts is. The factions all are totally diffrent in the way they collect resources, base build and fight. One of the major flaws of most rts's is the factions are so simiar and alot of them come down to a twitch game. (rush)

UaW is a breath of fresh air for a new IP. It offers tactics and makes you use strategy. The Hero units all have intersting features and the game ends up bieng one of the most polished rts's I have played.

Keep in mind I purchased this game in March and I DL 3 patches. So I think they fixed alot of issues mentioned in earlier reviews. A buy imo.