While playing, you might have flashbacks from Dawn of War winter Assault.

User Rating: 6.5 | Universe at War: Earth Assault X360
The story is pretty good, but your typical RTS the world is ending game. The part that I really enjoyed was that the humans were losing, so badly that they were not a playable race. Yeah it kinda sucks because people really want to play as humans but when you look at how the game goes, you start to realize how hard it would be to actually play as the humans. Well scratch that you actually do play as them for two levels, and they are very hard levels. Universe at War doesnt do anything new and exciting. The "Adapt your units as you play" concept isnt expressed very much, and i found it easier to just build lots of Ohm Robots and march them into the battle. I also liked how the main hero robot was a girl. It threw me off when i found that out. About halfway through the game a new race is thrown onto your doorstep, and it turns out they come from segas version of atlantis "Atlantia". They are a pretty cool race and control energy and such, its just enough to get you through the game. Over all, i would say wait until this game is under twenty dollars before buying it.