Best RTS game on the market right now.

User Rating: 8.5 | Universe at War: Earth Assault PC
Best rts game at the moment until SC2 comes out. The gameplay is great because the 3 factions play sooooo different from each other that its fun trying to learn each one. Theres plenty of boom and lots of things goin on. It just feels like something totally diff. Youll flip when you see the walkers comin at you.I love it. the graphics are ok but its not the greatest. Thats not a big deal though because gameplay is the most important thing. One of the best things that caught my attention in this game is that you can be playing against xbox 360 players online soon . I cant wait to woop their butts . As a pc gamer , I feel like its war against the 360 players haha. This game deserves an 8.5 to 8.9 score imo. every rts game is dying right now . cnc3 , coh , supcom , .. the online player numbers for those games are gettin smaller and smaller by the day. This is the latest and freshest thing out right now so I hope to see some rts vets hop on this. I would recommend this game to any rts fan because it really is fun and lets face it. all the other rts games that are out are just dying now. Time for a change .