This is a very cool game!

User Rating: 8.5 | Universe at War: Earth Assault PC
I am glad I bought this. I was looking for a cheap game on ebay and came across this. I had forgotten about this game. Remembered I had liked what I read when it first came out, but then forgot about it, well, I guess because not much more was written on it. Out of sight, out of mine, that kind of thing. Anyway,, this is really a very very good game. The maps are great. The game balance is good. The graphics are beautiful. Some of the upgrades are difficult to understand. It is not a game you can just sit down and understand the units in 15 minutes. It takes a little time, but it is worth it and gives the game some depth. I have played some multilayer games but you have to wait for a few minutes because there does not seem to be many people out there in multilayer land. I have the PC game, but have played against xbox and PC. The xbox live is nice.
I have a feeling this might be one of those classics that will some day be hard to find but everyone wishes they had. I plan to buy another on ebay. Check it out,, it's a great bargain bin game.
Oh,,, the regular game play is nice too. The AI seems pretty good. Another thing I will mention, is the sounds are really cool. The sounds of the one alien race as their pods fall to earth are very 50's alien sounding. I also like the "god light beings" race or whoever they are,, voice overs. The voice acting is good.