This is great game set aside from some aggravating issues.

User Rating: 8.5 | Universe at War: Earth Assault PC
The Good: Auto update, easy to control, wide selection of weapons.

The Bad: Auto update doesn't work, poor graphics, after you built something you can't delete it, in some missions there is to much enemy targets and you get overrun.

This is so far the best real time strategy game I've played, the only one I've played. This is my first real time strategy game and I'm impressed. One thing that really griped me about this game is that the auto update doesn't work, I get transferred to the update website and the website has been terminated, nothing there. I love the gameplay, the game is easy to catch on and control it only took me a few seconds to get the hang of it. For a huge white mecha it has week armor, if they could have only installed some stronger armor. The first mission of one of the hardest missions because it doesn't tell you where the white house is, and how did the president survive such a blast when the super mecha crashed into the white house sepessaly in his weak state?