A niche game with easy to understand gameplay and a whole ton of charm!

User Rating: 10 | Unholy Heights PC
This game offers a creative new take on "tower defense" style of gameplay. The player has to manage an apartment complex of various demons and use them to fight off hordes of adventurers. The gameplay is fairly simplistic with nothing more than clicking the room to "summon" the demon and clicking the demon to get them to retreat. The strategies are fairly simple for the advanced gamer.

What sets this game apart (aside from the new concept) from other games is that there is a lot of hidden value. The game is fairly immersive and over time the player will become invested in his or her tenants emotionally.

Replayability comes in the form of various demon types and tiers of those types. Certain demon types will not get along in the same apartment so in order to experience all demons and upgrades, the player might need to play multiple playthroughs. Or kill off / evict existing ones...

Priced at only $3.99, this game offers at least 5+ hours of very enjoyable playtime with quite a bit of replayability.