User Rating: 10 | Underworld: The Eternal War PS2
I think its simply awesome. see i actually havnt played it. i havnt even seen the pack of the game but i just think its the coolest. actually someone told me about it. i think the vampires rock though the warewolves are stronger. vamps are always cooler. i mean who da hell wants to be a warewolf anyway. i think id rather be a vampire. yeah thats right you heard me i mean you read this. anyways he told me that the vamps in this game can move really fast and do cool moves. plus silvernitrate does not affect then. isnt that awsome. why dont you beat that. i know they'd have their weak point. he didnt tell me. i wonder if the game of the sequel of the movie is coming out soon. well i guess not. anyways i think you should buy the game even though i think buying games is an awful waste of money. i mean who da hell make those things.; well i still think you should buy it even though its so old and stuff. just buy it you hear me BUT IT!.