I agree, it's a solid point-and-click game … Just remember to save at regular intervals!

User Rating: 6 | Undercover: Operation Wintersun PC
PROS: Nice 2d pre-rendered settings with atmospheric details. ~~ Got that noir/spies/hiding-in-shadowy-corners vibe. ~~ Main character has many amusing comments to share. ~~ Minimal (Yes, I know it's a point-and-clicker) controls. ~~ Game auto-resets if you "get caught "or "fail" a mini-mission. ~~ Nice variety of mini-games to mix things up.

CONS: Too much chatter/dialogue with npcs. ~~ Unmemorable characters. ~~ Voice-acting fair to eye-rolling. ~~ Some absurd puzzles. ~~ Some implausible story twists. ~~ Game crashes. (AAAGH! My last save was three scenes ago!) ~~ Game over too quickly!

PET PEEVES: Don't make me have to initiate EACH and EVERY question from a list of dozen. Just auto-ask all of them FIRST, THEN let me choose those I need repeated or pump for more info. ~~ Unused inventory items clutter. Are they for alternate puzzle solutions or red-herrings?

SUMMARY: Not a bad adventure game, but the ending is rather weak.
