An amazing character with a truly compelling story.

User Rating: 9 | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3
So when I went to buy my first ever PS3, I had to stand in Best Buy for at least a half an hour to pick the game I wanted to buy with it. Everyone told me that Uncharted was one of the best PS3 exclusives so I just had to try it. I must say, I was very impressed. This game not only was more than I expected, but was just plain fun from start to finish! Although there were a few technical issues, it was still one of the best games i've ever played.

Gameplay: The gameplay in this game was truly immersive. As soon as you start the story, your basically acting out in a movie. I swear this game is just as good as an Indiana Jones movie. The gunplay is quite good, although I think the enemies take a few too many hits before dying. It shouldn't take 5 shots to kill someone. The cover system is very well integrated and provides a unique take on action/adventure games. The enemy A.I. is pretty good and there are some good guns to choose from and pick up. The action scenes are amazing!!!

Characters: The characters in this game are what really bring it to life. Drake may look like your American Eagle model, but he is one of the best characters I think that the video game world has had in awhile. He has a great background and is just an all around funny guy. Whether it be from his cheesy pick up lines with Elana, or his punch lines, Drake is a wonderful character. You learn more about his throughout the game and just by playing with him. There is more to him than other games like Halo, or even Gears of War show with their characters. The other characters like Sully, and Elana are also both, well crafted characters.

Graphics: The graphics for Uncharted: Drakes Fortune are quite amazing for a Next Gen console. The game is set in a lush jungle on some island that no one has ever heard of, and it is just plain beautiful. The game uses the Naughty Dog engine which is a game engine the company created themselves, so no other game uses it. Running through the tall grass and coming out of a river with your character soaking wet has never looked so good. Even standing on a cliff looking out into the jungle with a beautiful waterfall in the distance has never been so breathtaking. There are however, a few graphical pop ups and some of the surroundings can look a bit gritty, but this game is truly a PS3 looker'.

So all in all, Uncharted is worth the money. It is the game that set the whole series off, it's plain fun and looks great. It is a must play for all PS3 owners out there. If you plan on playing the other Uncharted games, make sure you try this one out first. You wont be disappointed :)