Uncharted isn't just a visual masterpiece, it's a game that'll make you jump for joy that you own a Playstation 3.

User Rating: 10 | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3
Naughty Dog is known for making games with flawless controls and constantly pushing the technical limits of every console they're programming for. In the case of limits, Uncharted isn't doing anything to make the PS3 break a sweat (Uncharted uses only 30% of the system's power) but that doesn't mean Uncharted disappoints in terms of graphics, AI, water effects, etc. Uncharted is hands down the best looking console game on the market, bar none.

But graphics don't make a game good; gameplay is what you're putting down 60 bucks for, and Uncharted's gameplay is absolutely amazing in its perfection. Your first playthrough should be on hard, as this difficulty setting is where enemy AI really shines. Your foes don't just sit in one spot and fire blindly, they anticipate your moves and work together to keep your attention in one direction while a smaller group moves around to attack you from another.

The storyline, animations, voice acting and dialog are spot on perfect as well, and there will be times during cut scenes when you'll forget you're playing a game and be startled when the scene ends and goes back to gameplay.

This is THE game you've been waiting not only on the PS3 but for any system. If you don't own a PS3, buy one; this game is worth more than the price of admission, and you won't be disappointed.