Amazing adventure platformer, with a great Hollywood-worthy story!. here is my Spoiler Free review.

User Rating: 9 | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is definitely one of the best games I've played for my PS3, if not the best. It has a story that plays like a Hollywood movie, following the star character, direct descendant of Sir Francis Drake, Nathan Drake, as he goes on a quest for lost treasures. This game has action that rivals that of some of todays most popular shooter/action games. With a small, but by no means lacking arsenal available to you, the action rarely slows down.

When it does slow down though, It's usually to do one of the many environmental obstacles/puzzles. While these are usually relatively short sequences, and by no means difficult, they can prove to deadly if you are careless with where you jump. Often times I found myself taking a moment to survey my surroundings, looking for the next hand hold. All in all though, these are usually nice short breaks from the stop-and-pop shooting in the game.

The shooting is easily one of the main elements in the game, as you will probably spend about 75% of your time hiding behind things and shooting at bad guys. That or using your hand-full of various Hollywood-esque Mêlée attacks to dispatch the foes. While this is quite fun, and doesn't get dull, there is a minor lack of diversity in the bad guys. There are maybe 6-10 different skins for the bad guys in the first part of the game, and each of them typically has the same weapon, For instance, the guys with red shirts, and beige cowboy hats all use the grenade launchers. And the big, muscular guys always have shotguns.

Later in the game is a different story, but at the risk of spoiling it for you, I'll not talk about that.

The graphics in this game are easily the best I've seen on any console to date. This is the only game to ever make me actually stop for a moment, and say "wow.. that is beautiful...". The scenery, backdrops, and lighting in this game all make for simply breathtaking areas. But this doesn't come without taking its toll on the game. Minor screen tears, and texture pop-in are commonplace in this game. While it may be an annoyance to some, most people (myself included) probably won't mind much, as the game keeps you focused on the action most of the time. The only time these issues are noticeable are in cutscenes, and the time in-between shooting portions.

Length wise, the first play through will probably take you in the midst of 7-10 hours, depending on your skill level, and what difficulty you're on. Difficulty is something that plays a large roll in this game as well. On normal difficulty, I found that, later in the game, I was dying quite a bit, and found the game actually rather challenging. I would imagine Hard, and Crushing (unlocked after you beat Hard mode) are quite challenging, even for the seasoned FPS/shooter vets. And if it's not, you can unlock "fast mode", which speeds everything up, consequently making the game exponentially more difficult.

Speaking of unlocking things, Uncharted has two types of "collectibles". There are "treasures", which are scattered throughout the game, only noticeable as a blinking "shine" in the environment. Usually secluded in nooks and crannies around the levels, there are usually a few on each level, 60 total, each nets you points when collected. The other "collectible" is the medals. You can earn medals for different feats in game, such as killing a certain amount of bad guys with certain guns, or getting so many headshots, or Mêlée kills, all of which usually giving anywhere between 10-50 points.

There are quite a few unlockables in the game, warranting at least a second play-through to get the majority, if not all of them. So you could say this came could potentially last you 16 hours plus, depending on how many times you play through it. Completionists will have a hay day.

In Conclusion, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is a healthy, solid action/platforming title that not only delivers with its Hollywood style story, and high-action moves and shooting, but also has a decent amount of replay, which is common amongst platforming titles. It would definitely be a shame if you miss out on this title. My opinion? Worth full price!