if there is a reason to buy a ps3, this game is it.

User Rating: 10 | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3
this game is absolutely amazing. from the amazing graphics and character modeling to the fast paced adventure and great story, this game has it all. You play as Nathan Drake, a modern day treausre hunter searching for El Dorado, along with his friend, Sullivan. along the way you meet Elena, a young woman with a TV show about history. The game places you in the Amazon rainforest to start, and right at the beginning, pirates board your boat. the game introduces you to the combat mechanics, with very easy and accessible controls, along with the games melee combat system. besides the visual, this is where the game really shines. by going up to an enemy and pressing square, triangle, square, Drake will perform a lethal melee move that instantly kills the enemy. there are dozens of these moves, some of them really amazing to watch. another place where this game shines is the cover system, similar to Gears of War. pressing the circle button can either make you dive or get into cover, and you can blindfire, throw grenades, or roll out from cover. now Drake is not an expert with weapons, so melee combat is the easiest way to dispatch an enemy. the environment is also beautifulyl modeled, and when there is an explosin, the plume of smoke from it will float slowly upward, and it truly is great to watch.

the platforming controls are very well done, and easy. you can shoot eneies and throw grenades at them while hanging. the controls are very easy: X to jump, left stick to choose the direction to jump, circle to drop down. simple enough.

this truely is an amazing game. from the way drake's shirt wrinkles while walking and the way his clothes get wet and eventually dry out, right down to the facial animations, are absolutely spot-on.

the story is absolutely amazing, like a great summer adventure flick, and i ofund myself eating popcorn while playing through it. the story can be completed in about 10 hours, give or take a little. it takes you from the amazon to a u-boat in a river to all around a spanish colony on an island, al in search of El Dorado, and there is even a part where you man a turret on the back of a jeep and can shoot grenades and take down trees to smash enemy ATVs. There is also a ton of unlockable content for finding in-game treasures and completing medals to unlock rewards.

so all in al, this game is an absolutely perfect shooter, with great controls, combat, and story. 10/10