A Thief's end is a fitting end indeed

User Rating: 10 | Uncharted 4: A Thief's End PS4

The Uncharted franchise is one of my personal favorite gaming franchises. Playing these games alway felt like I was playing an Indiana Jones movie. Naughty Dog has been known for making quality games and as far as I can remember I don't think they have ever made a bad game. When I heard about Uncharted 4 i pre-ordered it and got it on day one. I am so glad that I did.

Uncharted 4 is a masterpiece in every way. This is the final game in one of naughty dogs biggest franchises and you can see that the company put a lot of time and effort into their game. The game starts with Nate's thought to be dead brother turning up alive and dragging Nate back into the world of thieves. I'm not going to spoil anymore of the story than that. The game play is the same uncharted game play that we all know and love but it has been refined to a tee and their has been some additions. The first and most prevalent is the grappling hook. This thing is amazing allowing you to swing around and perform aerial take downs that are just so freaking satisfying. The other new mechanic that has been added is the ability to slide down slopes. This mixed with the grapple leads to some really incredible sequences. Moving on, the enemy AI is done really well and they will attempt to flank you when you're in some of the more wide open area's of the game. The set pieces are as brilliant as ever even though their not quite as good as the train and the plane set piece from uncharted 2 and 3. The hand to hand combat has been refined and feels a lot more up close and personal. They have also added the ability to perform dual take downs with a buddy which just look amazing. Their are actually multiple boss fight and all of them are awesome especially the final fight.

Uncharted 4 is a extrodinary ending to a extrodinary franchise. The final chapter of uncharted looks and feels right. Everything about it from beginning to end feels perfect. Nathan Drake's farewell is memorable one that you will not want to miss.