Uncharted 2 is a must have for any ps3 owner even if you did not play the first

User Rating: 9.5 | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PS3
Nathan Drake in a way is like a young Indiana Jones. In his latest adventure drake is looking for yet another treasure this one by Marco Polo with Russian Terrorists at his heels. Drake is a very likable protagonist hes fast,agile a great shot and a hand to hand combatant and driver. I basically just told you the gameplay right there but there are also puzzle sequences ranging on the difficulties moderate to quite hard. This game looks amazing probably one of the best looking games around even now. Multiplayer is here and its pretty awesome. standard modes but jumping and climbing while taking cover behind almost anything makes it very fun. Co-op is here but its not nearly as fun as competitive multiplayer. Your basiclly taking watered down missions from the campaign putting two people to do it together. not great but it'll give you something to do after you beat the 20-25 hour campaign less if you rush since theirs numerous treasures to find along the way. Problems ? a couple of visual quirks but with a game the action packed you'd expect that. The story is like a summer blockbuster the gameplay both multiplayer and alone is amazing and i have no doubt that uncharted 3will be contender for GOTY