Puts the first game to shame. This is how an Uncharted game should be done.

User Rating: 9 | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PS3
After my highly critical opinion of the first game, I was skeptical as to what to expect from its sequel. However, since playing the game for a number of hours, all such concerns have since faded.

The characters, story and script feel engaging and realistic, more some than most Hollywood blockbusters, although the "banter" can feel a little relentless at time which affects the authenticity at times. But these occasions are very infrequent.

The musical score and sound effects are top quality and suit every scenario and situation perfectly. But nothing quite prepares you for the staggering beauty of the visuals. Environments look stunning and realistic yet full of colour. The same goes for the characters. Animations seemed a little out of place at time though, in particular the odd way in which Drake appears to flip around when moving from standing to hanging. But this is just a fussy niggle.

The game flowed much better than the first game, with the environments ever changing, and the path feeling scripted thanks to variety. Combat also felt more exciting and more responsive this time around. And the balance between combat and exploration has been perfected so that neither feels like a chore.

There are a few odd moments, such as Drake having to shoot 3 small planks of wood to bypass a doorway, when he could have easily passed under them, or his traversing two buildings to bypass a toppled bus which could have been easily vaulted over. But since these things are not programmed into the game, you must perform the most ludicrous of tasks to progress. Which reminds you that this is still a game.

I can't comment about the online multiplayer since I never play online multiplayer on any game.

Overall, this game is a solid improvement over the first game and I would recommend that everybody has a play of it.