Definitely one of the least known, but greatest games.

User Rating: 9.9 | Ultimate Paintball Challenge PC
I got this game at the local K-Mart for 10USD thinking I would play it for a few minutes but probably not enjoy it too much. After bringing it home I realized what a great game it really is, it's not overly difficult, but on the higher difficulties it does bring a good challenge. This game was never really advertised, and has not received much publicity in forums or anywhere else. As of 05.07.2007 only 23 people have this in their collection, but it's worth the money if you can find it.

There are several different arenas to choose from and a good sized arsenal of upgradeable paintball guns. The player must purchase paintballs, C02, and paint grenades to use in combat with the AI team. Some of the guns have scopes that you can snipe with, with realistic physics. The paintballs drop and lose accuracy just like a real paintball gun, with the more expensive guns being more accurate and having a longer range. The game's graphics and sound don't reflect the cheap price. Although the graphics aren't amazing by today's standards, for the time period it was released in they are nice. The sound effects are portrayed very well, all the guns and splatter effects add a realistic feel to the game.

If you are looking for a good bargain priced shooter game that isn't completely full of violence and gore (we all need a break some time), this is a good game for you.